Apologies for the ugly.
My webhost upgraded to PHP7. Sadly, it is not compatible with the older version of Joomla I was using to run the site. After many struggles (Joomla was no longer working, so I couldn't login to upgrade it, and the webhost no longer allowed me to roll back to an older version of PHP) I was able to recover the data and migrate it to a current version of Joomla. But I still need to come up with a new template, as my previous template is not compatible with the newer Joomla.
Or, I figure out how to migrate to WordPress. Joomla templates have gotten crazy complex since I last monkied with them. And the good ones have moved to a subscription format. I don't really need all the bells and whistles, so I may just go to WP.
Anyway. I discovered all these issues when I went to actually post something here. More on that later. This is one of the default templates. It'll have to do until I figure this out.
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Star Wars: Legion
Hey, it's been... a while. Sorry about that.
A bit of (not-so-new) news: I have a 3D printer! A B9 Creator v1.2, to be exact. I actually purchased it quite a while ago. The Assaultron bust I've posted renders of was designed to be printed on it; I hope to have it printed and painted up for Adepticon this year. I actually have printed it once, but that prototype print has showed me some edits I need to make, so I won't have a "final" version for a bit.
Of course, I have still been busy modeling away on X Wing (Wave 12, Wave 13) and Armada (Wave 6, Wave 7).
Runewars was announced last fall. I don't do much in the way of 3D work for that game (so far, just some of the the hero base terrain inserts) but I've done a fair number of the studio paint jobs (Ravos, Maegan, Kari, Ardus, Ankaur Maro, Aliana, Waiqar command unit, a couple guys I can't mention yet, and a whole lotta Uthuk infantry) for the game.
Oh yeah... and Legion.
I've been doing the vehicles for the game. Though, where those vehicles have riders, the riders were sculpted by others. I'm a CAD guy, so figures really aren't in my wheelhouse. I've done the speeder bikes, the AT-RT, and the recently announced AT-ST and T-47. I also designed the bases/movement tools. And! I designed, built, and painted the Tatooine table and terrain pieces that appear in the rules and at convention demos. (I believe that the Tatooine scenery will be in our booth at Essen, which is going on as I type this.)
Oh yeah. And I got to paint the studio Vader.
(Seriously, how effin' good is that sculpt? My colleague Akshay hit that one out of the park. Then went out into the parking lot, found it inside the car it destroyed when it landed, and hit it again.)
So. Busy busy busy. I hope to begin posting more in the next few months, as I work on some items for Adepticon.
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1:10 Scale Assaultron Bust Pt.II (WIP)
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1:10 Scale Assaultron Bust (WIP)
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Fantasy Flight Games Announces Star Wars: Armada
FFG has announced Star Wars: Armada for early 2015. This was (and still is) my main project for the last sixteen months or so, and now that they've pulled the trigger on the announcement, I can actually talk about it. (In that I can say the game exists and that I worked on it, not that I can talk about it in any detail beyond what's contained in the announcement.)
I designed all of the ships in the game, with the exception of the Nebulon B frigate, which I did the initial work on before handing it off to a coworker for detailing.
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